Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Commander by C.J. Williams (****)

The CommanderLucas Blackburn had a peaceful job as an Airport Director in an out of the way community in central Nevada. He wanted to live quietly and let old scars heal. But then a spaceship landed. The lone occupant, a guy named Sam, gave Luke the keys and said it was up to him to stop a massive alien invasion that was on the way. Luke wanted to believe it was a hoax. The problem was, Sam had the proof.

REVIEW: ****

I was not expecting much from this one, and it was not a real deep/meaningful story, but I loved it. It was fun, Quick to read and left you feeling good. The first chapter or two was tough for me...the way he just accepted the fact that this alien showed up at his airport. He was way too casual and calm about the whole thing which threw me off, but once the story got started I really enjoyed it. It was light reading and easy to relate to the characters. If you want serious sci-fi then don't choose this one. But if you want a quick, light read this is a good one for you. 

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